
Privacy inquiry to the event organizer c/o Datasport

Overview of opt-ins

Become a member Running Swissathletics

I'll become a free running member of Swiss Athletics and support sport for all in Switzerland,
If you tick the "No" box, you will not become member of Swiss Athletics and your e-mail address will not be passed on. By accepting membership of Swiss Athletics, you become a Running member of Swiss Athletics and of the umbrella federation Swiss Olympics. Your email address will be sent to Swiss Athletics. This data is used exclusively for registration as a member and will not be passed on to third parties. Membership is free and expires after one year.

Responsible for the service: Swiss Athletics, Talgut-Zentrum 27, CH-3063 Ittigen

Newsletter Escalade by email

By agreeing to receive the Course de l'Escalade newsletter, you will receive all the practical information you need to get to the start, as well as advice on how to prepare for the race,
If you tick the "No" box, you will not receive any e-mail newsletter from the course de l'Escalade . Datasport transmits all the data collected during registration to the organiser. The organiser uses the participants' email address and category to send them practical information before the start.

Responsible for the service: Course de l Escalade, Rue des Eaux Vives 63, case postale 6479, CH-1211 Genève 6

Personal running video - MyRun Clip

By accepting the video service, the video of your race will be accessible within 48 hours of your race from the Datasport ranking on the Migros Impuls platform, and a link enabling you to view it will be sent to you by email, this service is offered by UBS and Migros,
If you tick the "No" box, your video will not be accessible after the race. If the "Yes" box is ticked, and by agreement with the organiser, the following data will be transmitted directly to iRewind: Name, first name, category, final and split times, language. The data is transmitted to iRewind solely for the editing of the individual videos, a service financed by Migros and UBS. The videos are then hosted on the Migros Impuls website. The data is not passed on to UBS or Migros and is not used for any purposes other than those described above.

Responsible for the service: yoveo AG (iRewind), Richtistrasse 2, CH-8304 Wallisellen

Photo Service + Post

By accepting the photo service, your personal photos taken during your race are accessible from the Datasport ranking and on the website of our partner AlphaFoto, AlphaFoto will also send you your personal photo by post (free of charge),
If you tick the "No" box, your photos will not be sent or visible after the race. If the "Yes" box is ticked, and by agreement with the organiser, the following data will be transmitted directly from Datasport to AlphaFoto for the purpose of sending an individual photo during the race: Surname, First name, race number, category, postal address, postcode, place, country.

Responsible for the service: Alpha Foto GmbH, Lerzenstrasse 27, CH-8953 Dietikon