Interview with Maurice Clavel
Maurice Clavel has stated on several occasions that he has what it takes to achieve major successes in the long distance. It is therefore no wonder that the runner-up European Champion in the 2014 half distance triathlon has named the Ironman Hawaii as his major goal.
As an excellent swimmer, you are always in a good starting position to get ahead and shape the progress of the race. What do you consider to be the most important keys to a successful competition?
As already mentioned in the question, the fact that I am a good swimmer means I am usually one of the first out of the water. If this is not the case, I have to keep reminding myself that the competition is still young and has not yet ended after the swimming. I don't have a specific key to hand for a good competition. It also varies from competition to competition. However, not overdoing it and achieving a steady performance is usually the right key for me!
What advice do you have for triathletes who perhaps have some difficulty with the first discipline? Are there any quick wins you can recommend?
Yes! Take a look at the key points of the swimming route in advance (the day before): the start area (the ground and how far you can run into the water, etc.), the swimming exit and the swimming route itself! A lot of time is often lost due to a lack of orientation in the water. You can quite simply improve this through visualisation.
In the scene are you known as “Krawallmacher” (hothead). In the long distance, however, patience is a good companion. How do you manage this balancing act? In the race, how do you specifically ensure that at the end of the marathon you still have enough energy available?
This is not at all easy for me! Restraint is something I have to train hard for. The only thing that actually helps here is a speedometer with the number of watts, which tells me whether I should keep pushing or not. Until now I have been training without watts, however, 2020 is different. I will at least be incorporating watts into the structure of my race as guidance.
Many amateur athletes have the goal of competing in a triathlon once in their lives. What are your most important tips to make it work out for them?
- Take your time and give yourself an adequate buffer for the first competition in order to physically adapt well to the load.
- Train consistently over several months. It is absolutely pointless to start with all guns blazing wildly on 1 January and then either get sick, injure yourself, or end up completely empty in summer. You should therefore train slowly and consistently (preferably over a year).
Do you have a secret tip you would be willing to share with us?
I have two tips:
- Make sure the chain and drive on your bike are in an optimally clean condition for the competition, as this is an inexpensive and extremely effective way to save watts!
- Put your feet up for 5 minutes at a 45 degree angle immediately after a tough unit!
Many thanks to Maurice Clavel for the exciting answers.
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