Did you know...

Valentin Belz 20. September 2023

iStock: olegbreslavtsev

Did you know that your productivity increases by 15% when you exercise before work?

The American Psychological Association has carried out various studies and established that physically active employees suffer less from burnout and depression.

Sport is medicine

Sport has many beneficial effects. And more are always being discovered. There’s really no reason not to exercise anymore. It's more about finding a sport that you enjoy, which fits well into your personal weekly schedule and which you can keep doing in the long term.

What can we learn from this?

  • Sport has so many beneficial effects that there's really no excuse anymore. So, what are you waiting for?
  • Every now and then, try exercising before work to increase your productivity.
  • Small effort - huge impact! Sport doesn't need to take hours or involve a high-intensity workout. Even just 30 minutes of light jogging is enough.
  • Regardless of whether you're an early riser or a late one, we don’t actually reach our peak performance window until later in the day. An early morning run in the forest, swim or bike ride will stimulate you and is recommended for basic training, but it's not considered an effective core training session.
  • It’s often easier with a training partner. If possible, try to get someone to join you for your early morning workout.